Believe it or not, water damage from a roof leak can show itself almost anywhere. From the ceiling to the floors and the fireplace and windows. All too often we think that a roof leak only damages attics and ceilings. In reality, if you didn’t have an appliance malfunction or a pipe burst and you have water damage in your home, chances are quite high that you have a roof leak.

Why? Water Follows the Path of Least Resistance

When you have a roof leak, sometimes the water will slowly drip from the underside of the roof deck into your insulation and eventually show as a dark stain on your ceiling. However, more often water will run down the roof deck and keep going. Sometimes that means the water goes into your walls. When that happens, it can come out under baseboards or your wood floors can begin to warp. Gravity simply takes the water down the easiest way possible.

What Are the Signs You May Have a Roof Leak?

If you notice that you have missing or misaligned shingles on your roof, if you don’t already have a roof leak, you will soon, so call your roofer for a repair. Inside your home you may notice a musty smell, that could be a sign of a roof leak. Also, bubbling and peeling paint are signs. Pro tip – if you have bubbling paint, have a bucket or towels handy before you pop the bubble, it may be full of very dirty water! Finally, water in or around your fireplace is frequently a sign of a roof leak. However, in this case, it’s more often unsealed flashing or a failing chimney cap than an issue with your shingles.

Call Peak Roofing Contractors if You Have a Roof Leak

Water doesn’t always come out directly beneath the roof leak. That’s why you need an experienced roof repair company like Peak Roofing Contractors if you even suspect you have a roof leak. Not only will we find the source of the leak, but we will stand behind the work we do with our workmanship guarantee. Call us today at (703) 468-4769 or fill out our contact form for your free roof repair estimate.