Most of us think that the only roof replacement benefits are that the home is better protected and looks better. Some realize that they also increase their home’s value. However, there are several other benefits you may see when you replace your roof. Some of those benefits depend on the roof you have now and when you last had a new roof.
Reduced Heating & Cooling Costs
Of all the roof replacement benefits, this one often surprises people the most. However, not everyone will see this benefit to the same extent. First, those who currently have 3-tab shingles and opt to replace their roof with architectural shingles see a greater benefit than those who already have architectural shingles. Second, homeowners who have black or dark shingles and choose a lighter color or even ENERGY STAR® cool roofing product see a reduction in cooling costs more than those who replace their roof with the same color shingle. Finally, homes with box style roof vents whose roof replacement companies install a ridge vent benefit during the summer more than those who already have a ridge vent or keep their current venting in place.
Increased Indoor Air Quality
Because homes today are built to be more energy efficient, they often have poorer air quality. When there’s a roof leak, you end up with a damp or even wet attic. We’ve been in attics that have mold growth on the roof deck and trusses. Your roofing company should replace any damaged wood during your roof replacement. That can reduce respiratory problems many suffer because of mold in the attic due to a roof leak. You may need to replace your attic insulation if it sustained water damage.
Discounted Homeowner’s Insurance
When you replace your roof with a new architectural shingle, find out if you get one of the best roof replacement benefits of a lower premium on your homeowner’s insurance. Because new shingles are more wind and impact resistant, you may find that your insurance company offers a small discount for architectural shingles. Be sure to let your agent know the brand and style shingle so they can provide you with the best discount available.
Peak Roofing Contractors Offer Free Roof Replacement Quotes
Even if you just want the roof replacement benefits of better curb appeal and a better protected home, call Peak Roofing Contractors for a free quote. We’re a locally owned and operated roofing company ready to help. Call us at (703) 468-4769 or fill out our contact form today.